Date of Stay: January 28, 2009
Weather During Stay: Sunny and calm with a high in the 60s, low close to freezing.
Site Description: We were in site 31, a long, wide, very level pull-through. 50 amp FHU, no cable (second photo). All the sites at Augie’s Quail Trail are exceptionally large. Not all are pull-throughs, but both times we have stayed here for an overnight, we had a convenient pull-through site. Around 100 sites total. No picnic tables, at least in our row.
Rate: Escapees pay $22 night for 50 amp FHU. I’m not sure what the “regular” rate is - surely not much higher.
Phone/radio/TV: Verizon service, both phone and aircard, is excellent in Gila Bend. Didn’t bother with TV antenna or local radio. No obstructions for TV satellite dish. They advertise free WiFi, but we didn’t try it.
Elevation/Landscape/Terrain: Flat, dirt and gravel roads and sites at 790 feet elevation. A few garden areas and native trees have been planted in the park; the surrounding area is scrubby desert. Distant views are of arid mountains.
Favorite Sites: 31 was a nice site. The sites in that row of pull-throughs are numbered 19 through 33 and all would be similar. 33 might be most pleasant as it is on the end with a small garden area.
Hiking/Walking: The park is large enough that you can get a bit of exercise walking around the loops. We have not found any trails.